Part 2: 15:48 - The calm before the storm
Whats this? actual content?yes, as turn 4 has just gone out, you now get the pre battle setup, as everything here has been well and truly invalidated. this may seem like another cop out, not giving a proper battle update, but it gets some content and adds another 15 mins onto the uselessness of the first "Turn"
This is a direct compilation of the emails sent out, to give you all the information they had.
Open your peanuts gentlemen - and thanks for waiting.
16:48 - Main Battle Fleet. High Seas Fleet.
Welcome Gentlemen, firstly, here are a couple of informative pre battle screens.

The enemy is much stronger, and is out in force, but it is early in the battle, if late in the day, and much is left to be decided.

The German fleet sails north, making a speed of 15 knots, the main force has formed a single battle line of battleships. From front to back, these ships are the Konig, Grosser Kurfurst, Markgraf, Kronprinz, Kaiser, Prinzregent Luitpold, Kaiserin, Friedrich Der Grosse, Ostfriesland, Thuringen, Helgoland, Oldenburg, Posen, Rheinland, Nassau, Westfalen, Deutschland, Pommern, Schlesien, Schleswig-Holstien, Hessen and [/i] Hannover.[/i]
Sorry for the long list, but there is no room to neatly label them on the map.

Around this mighty force is a screen of torpedo boats. To the front, scouting groups made up of a cruiser and a torpedo boat.
To the north, Hipper and his battle-cruisers have reported contact with the enemy, the distance between the two forces is not clear, but thought to be in excess of seventy kilometres.

It will be a long time before our battleships can make it into sight, let alone range of the enemy ships. While the modern battleships can make 21 knots, the older pre-dreadnoughts can only make 18 knots. The Torpedo boats can make about 34 Knots, the cruisers roughly 27 knots.

These ships are going to slow any movement to rejoin Hipper and his forces.
16:48 -Battle Crusier force. High Seas Fleet.

The Battlecruisers under the command of Admiral Hipper have come into contact with the enemy.

All our ships are making 22 knots and heading in a south easterly direction. The British forces, counterpart fleet to our own forces, are approaching from the west. At this rate, the British fleet will intercept our forces in a short time.

Our five battle cruisers are outnumbered by the six British craft. Cruiser wise, we are roughly equal in numbers, and the enemy has a slight advantage in destroyers.

Admiral Sheer and the main battle fleet are to the south, their exact distance is unknown, but thought to be greater than 70 kilometres to the south. He has been informed that you have made contact with the enemy, but knows little else.
Here are some more images of the battle to help you orientate yourselves.

Captains. What are your orders?
Orders should be in the following format:
Direction, speed, target. For your information, bearing 0 is north, and goes round to 359.
I would like to remind you that each Captain has one 25 word message, while Admiral Scheer has three. While I cannot enforce it, please keep in the spirit of things and do not communicate with fellow captains on matters at hand, and wait until the first post goes up.
Thanks for your cooperation.